Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Connect the Dots

A quick update.
I'm continuing the chemo and was able to tolerate a substitute drug instead of the drug I was allergic to.
The new scans however showed that one of  the tumors on my spine is getting larger and pressing against spinal cord. It is also causing some pain. Therefore, I will have that area nuked next week. This week I went to get prepared for the radiation.
For those not familiar, before the radiate any body part, they mark the area with little tattoos dots. Since this is my third radiation, my body is beginning to look like a page in my grandkids 'connect the dots book'.
However, I am looking forward to getting the tumors to shrink and the pain to subside. They did warn me that the pain will get worse before it gets better, but as long as I know that it will get better eventually, I am glad to have this done.
I am still hoping for the blood biopsies to show a DNA marker that will make me eligible for either a targeted therapy or clinical trial, until then I will continue with whatever treatment is available.
Thanks again for all your prayers and good thoughts.