Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Treatment Plan

We met today with my oncologist.
Based on the latest biopsy reports and a clinical exam, I will start a new chemo regiment next week.  A cocktail that will hopefully stabilize and shrink the tumors.
I will see the radiologist tomorrow to discuss the tumors on the brain and will prepare to deal with them if they become symptomatic or as soon as practicable based on chemo regimen.
The good news is based on my 'young age' and otherwise good health, the team expects my body to respond positively to the treatment.
They are still doing DNA studies on my biopsy and will tweak the chemo based on the results, as they come in.
All your prayers and positive good deeds are helping.
Thanks everyone.


  1. Can you tell me more about the biopsy results, cell type, etc., and what your chemo regimen ingredients are? I'd like to research this for you and tell you what I find.

  2. Thanks Diana, I will email you the results tomorrow.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I made a mistake on the Tehillim numbers I've been saying. I say #113, #114 and #117 every're on that list!
