Sunday, December 23, 2018

Brief update

I saw Dr. Jonathan Yang, a wonderful radiation oncologist.
I ended up with radiation to my skull and to my hip.
My skull, because of the pain and its proximity to the brain stem and jugular. It was also near my right cochlear, which will cause permanent hearing loss on that side, but other than using the phone with my left ear, the other side effects, pain and fatigue should abate within six weeks.
The hip was also nuked, because the tumor on my hip bone was growing and caused a hairline fracture on my hip, which they feared will grow and cause a larger fracture.
Other than that I am doing great.
Hopefully, the next scans will show that the radiation caused bone tumors shrink and that the chemo keeps working to keep me stable.
It's been exactly three years that I was diagnosed.
As crazy at it seems, I truly miss New Year's Eve in Times Square. It was an annual ritual I hope to resume. Perhaps, next year.
Keep up with the prayers and good thoughts, they are working.

To all those celebrating have a merry Christmas and happy New Year.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

A Bump on the Journey

The clinical trial I have been on has done an excellent job of keeping my lungs and brains free of growing tumors.
It's been a while since I've had any complications, except for the annoying side effects.
However, yesterday we found out that there are several tumors on my bones. Specifically on my skull, my spine and my hip.
While tumors on the bone can be a nuisance, if it does not cause pain or grow too large, they are usually left alone and just treated with the regular chemo or clinical trial.
Unfortunately, the one one my skull is causing pain and also protruding on the jugular vein.
So while I will stay on the trial because I have had a great response to it, I will additionally have radiation to my skull.
I will meet the radiation oncologist soon and hopefully zap this tumor quickly.
I will keep you all posted.

Thanks again for all your prayers and good thoughts.

Friday, July 27, 2018


I apologize for not posting for three months, but two people very close to me reminded me of how long it's been, so here I updating my blog.

It's funny how our mind works.
When we are healthy, we take our good health for granted.
When I first got sick, I learned to appreciate every breath I take and every anatomical function that works. Walking, talking and breathing were all skills I was suddenly acutely aware of. I praised God for every moment of each day. I realized it was a gift that was not owed to me, but one that was graciously and generously handed to me.
As my scans came back repeatedly clear, I fell into a trap of taking these gifts for granted.  Sure, I continued praying for continued good health and thanking God for granting me each day, but it started becoming routine and my prayers were said by rote.
How foolish we can be that we often need a reminder that everyday is a gift from God. Everyday and every breath is to be cherished as if it is the first day of our life. It's ironic that good health is what makes us foolish, and through the grace of God we are sometimes blessed with a needed reality check.

Back to my health.
My recent scans continue to show the lungs and brain clear of any progression of the cancer.
My fatigue is less and I am able to enjoy spending time with my family and friends.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and good thoughts.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018


It's been totally amazing. My scans which I've faithfully have every six weeks, continue to show that the clinical trial medications are doing their job. My scans continue to be clear and the side effects are manageable.
I apologize for not updating more frequently but I now find myself transitioning from a 'lung cancer patient' to a 'person with lung cancer'.
It might seem trivial but it is wonderful to go about my daily activities and enjoy life, without the immense gray cloud of disease.
I am still under treatment and I am a regular fixture at MSKCC, but  I can plan activities for a month from now, without thinking will I actually be able to....

Thanks for the continued prayers and good thoughts. May they continue to keep working and may you all be blessed for you kindness to me.

I will try to update with good news more frequently.