The clinical trial I have been on has done an excellent job of keeping my lungs and brains free of growing tumors.
It's been a while since I've had any complications, except for the annoying side effects.
However, yesterday we found out that there are several tumors on my bones. Specifically on my skull, my spine and my hip.
While tumors on the bone can be a nuisance, if it does not cause pain or grow too large, they are usually left alone and just treated with the regular chemo or clinical trial.
Unfortunately, the one one my skull is causing pain and also protruding on the jugular vein.
So while I will stay on the trial because I have had a great response to it, I will additionally have radiation to my skull.
I will meet the radiation oncologist soon and hopefully zap this tumor quickly.
I will keep you all posted.
Thanks again for all your prayers and good thoughts.
I hope this additional treatment goes smoothly and completely, with minimal side effects.